Youngfit Wellness is much more than a company. It is a revolution to transform life with an adaptation of 3R ( Rewind, Restore, Rejuvenate). An ordinary approach made with extraordinary efforts a concept so unique to mankind. Youngfit Wellness gives you a commitment to bring positive change in the lives of people it touches through its genuine quality products and services. YOUNGFIT WELLNESS LLP embarked on the journey of health and wellness in the year 2021 with its operating head quarter in Nagaland and extending its branches across the state. The company is first among equals from the state in the field of Wellness.


Mr. Gaurav Thapa, is a highly accomplished result-driven individual with the ability to streamline business operations that drive growth and increase efficiency to productivity. Foster with a strong leadership quality to inspire and motivate others to develop. He is a person with congenial personality with great interpersonal skills who genuinely shows concern for the well-being of its subordinates. He strongly lives by the ideology “Success is a decision; if you want it you work for it”.


Youngfit Wellness has a well structured research and development department (R&D) with a team of highly qualified individuals who has strong compassion for community service sets out on a survey to read and examine the commonly faced issues in a geographic area. In order to study the well being the team evaluates the health condition of every individual through the process called “Wellness Health Evaluation”. In these process a client’s lifestyle is studied by following certain lifestyle analysis. With thorough exploration the company now formulates the ingredient for its supplements and wellness therapy that suites best for the need and demand of the people. To meet client’s satisfaction the company installs Wellness Centre. Youngfit Wellness understands the need for having a strong R&D which upgrades continuously to improve the range of products and services to meet the needs of the ever-growing wellness industry.

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